Top 10 Your Symptoms What Are Telling You

10. Mouth ulcers

Mouth ulcers are extremely common and can also be linked to various nutrient deficiencies including vitamin B12, folic acid, vitamin B6 and zinc. Vegetarians suffer from mouth ulcers since it’s difficult to get enough B12 and folic acid from a vegetarian diet. But, it is possible if you know how Recurrent mouth ulcers are sometimes a sign of celiac disease and should be discussed with your doctor. Seek medical advice if ulcers keep coming back or last more than 3 weeks Solution Try vitamin B12 rich foods such as red meat, sardines, and eggs, liver or nutritional yeast and get yourself checked for celiac disease.

9. White inner eyelids

If your lower eyelids look very pale you may be low on iron which is especially common in women due to blood loss, although men can become anaemic too it is not fixed that only women and suffered for this. Also watch out for pale skin, rapid heartbeat and excessive tiredness. Solution: Get your iron levels checked and consume foods rich in iron and vitamin C, which you need in order to absorb the iron from your diet. Iron rich foods include: Lean red meat, (lamb, game, and beef), eggs. Vitamin C rich food include: kiwi fruits, peppers, berries and green cabbage.

8. Bleeding gums

 Vitamin C deficiency can cause bleeding gums and is often seen in older but there are some cases of teen agers too, Youngs or adult can lead to weakness and anaemia but can be remedied easily. Bleeding gums can also be due to plaque build up at the gum line which can lead to inflamed and bleeding gums. You should tell to your dentist about this. And if gum bleeding persists, it may be a sign of serious medical disorders and you should always tell to senior Doctor OR specialist in this instance. Solution: Eat vitamin C rich foods which include: blackcurrants, spring greens, bell peppers , citrus fruits.

7. Dandruff

First of all you should check that your dandruff shampoo work properly or not there are many shampoo that do nothing and they can also damage your hair . The another condition for dandruff is too make your hairs oily you should wash the oil from your hairs in 3 to 4 hours other wise your head contain smell and your hair become dirty so large amount of dandruff come to your hairs easily
 Solution: Consume fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins. The diet must be low in saturated fats, sugar and excessive alcohol or caffeine which can deplete essential vitamins and minerals further. Eat foods rich in Vit B6 and Zinc such as brown rice, whole grains, peanuts, walnuts, avocados, peas, kelp, lean red meat, poultry, and lamb.

6. Dark eye shadows

Do you suffer from panda eyes and spend ages trying to cover them up . it can take your whole beauty the beauty count eyes firstly so you should read the solution and hurry up get upon it . Solution:  Cut down on caffeine and alcohol and support your kidneys with a healthier diet. You should also balance your blood sugar with regular meals and never let yourself go hungry! Avoid: Monosodium glutamate (MSG) and steer clear of canned, pickled, or smoked meats and avoid adding salt to food. Foods to support your kidneys include:  Kidney beans and parsley.

5. Muscle cramps and spasms

Do you live a busy, demanding, stressful lifestyle and you pull heavy weight too you should take care of your muscles you can feel this in old age than there is no need to cry because you read this article . Read the solution now and act upon it . Solution: Eat more magnesium rich foods such as raw almonds, cashews, pumpkin seeds and green leafy vegetables.

4. Early greys

It is feel very bad by young that you are still young and your hairs are as old people . Luckily there’s something you can do about it. If your early greys or white are due to your smoking or a sign of vitamin B5 or B12 deficiency rather than your genetics, then the good news is that you can turn the clock back by reading the solution easily and make your hair black no say that we dont tell you before  
Solution:  Avoid stress and supplement your diet with a good quality multiple B complex including B5 and B12 for at least three months. Avoid tea and coffee which deplete these vitamins and give up smoking as smokers are 4 times more likely to have gray hair than non-smokers.

3. Dry skin and eczema

Eczema is such a common problem, but can also be a sign your body isn’t getting enough essential omega 3 fats from cold water fish like salmon, sardines, mackerel or raw nuts and seeds. These fats are essential for skin health. Many eczema sufferers are also allergic or intolerant to wheat and dairy and are often severely dehydrated. Solution: Eat cold water fish three times a week, cut out wheat and dairy for one month (to see how you feel), eat a handful of raw nuts and seeds a day and drink 8 glasses of pure water. You may even want to try taking some omega 3 fish oils.

2. Unexplained weight gain

Are you eating normally, working out but still gaining weight . There could be many reasons, but one of the most common is a low acting thyroid which can slow down metabolism and the rate at which you burn food.So read the solution and get your problem solved today . dont wait any more because all the beauty goes from fats because fat is enemy of beauty Solution: Get your thyroid checked and eat thyroid healthy foods rich in B vitamins, raw nuts and seeds, tyrosine from almonds and avocados, bananas, beans, iodine from fish and seafood, selenium from Brazil buts and zinc form tahini and sesame seeds.
And you should Avoid from these things Avoid: Broccoli, cauliflower, mustard, cabbage and turnips or soy products as they can interfere with thyroid function.

1.Uncontrollable eating and sugar cravings

Eating too much and eating sugar and sweet things is world biggest health problem many old peoples suffering from that but there are some cases of youngs too so be carefull the sugar is the root of all the problem so avoid too eat too much sugar thing or other sweet things Such as choclate is eating by the woman above . so there is solution of this below you should read now . Dont say that we dont tell you before 
 Solution: Support your digestion by eating simple food combinations or supplement your diet with digestive enzymes for one month and avoid drinking too much at meal times as it dilutes your digestive juices. Also combine protein with complex carbs to balance your blood sugar.

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